Life through the lens...

By ValC

A walk in the woods

Not quite the blip I had in mind.

By the times Hannah and I got to Judy Woods, (hold up at the Tesco checkout, and had to also change MrC's new Dad's Army mug which was cracked.) the sun had dropped too low and the shot of the golden light through the beech trees will have to wait for another day, when I get there earlier!

Still decided on this shot which wasn't too bad.

Now off to finish cooking the vennison sausages, braised in red wine (Old Delia recipe, (the recipe not Delia, who is about my age!)

I am looking forward to our walk tomorrow, as last year when we did the very same walk we couldn't see much because it was so foggy. We are promised wall to wall sun tomorrow. Lets hope so!

Hope you all enjoy the rest of the weekend.

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