To the airport at La Rochelle to collect Mrs S , Faye and little Florence. Killing an hour in the nearby village waiting for the plane to arrive I did a BlipWander. Where you hope to get something for your daily post.
Well, I came across the pretty window - see extra- and snapped it. whereupon I heard a voice asking me what I was doing. That gave me a surprise, I can tell you because I couldn't see anyone. But if you look at the extra you can just make out a lady sitting behind the blind. So I got a people shot by chance. "What are you doing?" she asked. I explained and asked if I could take her picture. She was a photogenic old lady and it could have made a nice shot. But Ooooh No I couldn't possibly! she teased, coyly primping her hair.
Fair do's, so I walked on and then happened on another two elderly ladies outside their little cottage. Once again they refused to be photo'ed. What is it about this town? They directed me onwards to the park and Bingo, there was my shot for the day.
All installed back at the house now and a few days for taking Florence to the beach. Expect a few seaside shots over the next few days.
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