One-Sided Conversations

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,

It is Tuesday night and I have just come off the phone with the Princess. I love our fortnightly chat, which tonight included our conclusion that if you don't feed painters chocolate Hob-Nobs they pee up your walls. 

But it wasn't all intellectual observations. We also talked about bonkers behaviour. I try to encourage it at work because it amuses me. However, I'm having trouble because everyone around me thinks we are there to ACTUALLY WORK or something. Weirdoes.

Dostana & Pregnant BA have just left our department so Smock is trying to replace them. She asked me to pop down for an "informal chat" with two prospective candidates. 

To be clear, this was not the interview. That was yesterday. Today we were just trying to get an idea of who they were. But both of them were still in "interview" mode. I tried to relax them, but they weren't having it. They both gave "standard" answers to questions despite my openly telling Smock to cover her ears while I told the candidate she's quite a good PM, and mocking her Yorkshire accent.

But even worse, Smock took the "getting to know you" time to talk solidly about herself for 30 minutes. BOTH TIMES. I learned almost NOTHING about the candidates. Although I now know about several RUBBISH projects that Smock has worked on in the past.

When I got in from work, another conversation was going on in the flat. This was happening in the kitchen between Cazza and Jasper:

CAZZA: What? What is it? Why are you being so NOISY?!
JASPER: There's shopping! What's in the bag? What's in the baaaaaag?
CAZZA: Oh for goodness sake Jasper. It's just potatoes.
JASPER: That's rubbish I want chicken treats.
CAZZA: No, you've already had some today.
CAZZA: You know they block your bum up if you have too many.
JASPER: Give me some! Or I'll poo on your pillow.

I was cracking up listening to all this. We are one of those families who "answer back" on behalf of their pets. Jasper is typically the difficult one who swears a lot.

Actually, so is Cazza, now I think about it. Funny that.


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