
My Dear Fellow,

I felt a little unwell this morning, but not as bad as I should have been. I think it was the fact that I was drinking SOME soda water along with all that wine.

It is EMBARASSING to get w&nkered on wine schorles.

Moot eyed me as I GROANED my way up from the futon. I felt 80 years old and shlup, shlup, shupped my way across the floor, unwilling to pick up my feet on my way to the khazi.

Too much effort.

Breakfast helped a lot though. Although I noted we were all quiet this morning, the sheen taken off our exuberance by late nights, over-indulgence in Schnitzel and alcohol dehydration.

I'll be honest, I felt like I was moving through porridge today so my goodbye might have been a bit more salutary than I'd have liked. All I could think about was Er Indoors, home, cats and curry.

And now here I am. Full of butter chicken and with Er Indoors gently snoozing next to me. The cats are schnuppering around my bag for traces of Moot and Munni and I'm feeling almost back to normal.

So now a proper goodbye my dear fellow, and thank you again for a brilliant weekend. Loads of love to E.

See you ovver yonder.


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