Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

delicate....and hairy!

This is one of the flowers on the tomato plant!  Such a delicate little flower!  

Today I did not go to church as I had a phone call early in the morning from ZESCO (the electricity supplier here)!  I had made a complaint last Monday about the electricity supply coming into my house and the wire is almost touching the roof (two wires in fact) - not only that but the casing on the wire is now worn and the bare wires can be seen.  Anyway, they gave me a case number and said they would come.  On Tuesday I got a phone call from an engineer asking for directions to the house which I gave him.  They never came.

On Wednesday I called again, and was told that they would come out that day!  Again nothing.

On Thursday I called again and when the lady checked she said the file was closed as the fault had been fixed!  I told her it had not been fixed and in fact the engineers could not get access to the house without me being there!  So I got a new case number.

Yesterday I called again and the lady was very surprised that no one had come, so she said she marked the case urgent!  Well...surprise surprise...today they came!  All 6 men arrived to fix my problem....only to be told they don't have the cable but will try and come tomorrow to fix it!!  The extra photo is my cable!!  What a saga!  Hopefully tomorrow will be the end of it!

So happy to hear the good news of a few of the boys getting out of the cave in Thailand.  Praying that the rest will come out safely tomorrow!

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