Memory Lane

By the time I I was ready to head to the allotment it was too hot - so a day at home relaxing. Checking my Fitbit dashboard I realised I've been getting 5 hours sleep all this week! So today I had a nap for a couple of hours in the afternoon! Then it was time for the hens and a mammoth watering of the plot, I've now added the gladiolas to my watering rota - and I have a lot of them all over the two and a half plots as I just love them! Loved Morrisey too, he used to wave them around on stage - shame about his politics :(  But his songs are the best and this one my favourite! I then texted London Boy as he looked just like him when we were at college together, people often thought it was him! I was the lucky girl who lived with him! Hard to think we are both mid fifties now! We used to go clubbing together over the years - and to Ibiza, he still goes every year! Oh I've just got immersed down memory lane!
P.S. Bee in my garden heading for the pinwheel dahlia! 

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