Blaw Blaw, Sook Sook Blaw...

Oh hang on, isn't that for a harmonica? (Moothie to those in the know)

Not that it matters, as Bronwyn belted out 'Flower of Scotland' in an endless loop for the tourists she was actually listening to an audio book on her ear phones, “The Grinch at Christmas” as it happens, she had intended to listen to a teach yourself Spanish thing but she couldn't be arsed. It was too hot. Another ten minutes and the cardigan was coming off.

How do I know this?

Multi choice: Mark only one answer.

A. I asked her.
B. She told me.
C. I looked at her Facebook page,
D. She is my niece and loves smooth jazz.
E. 43% of narratives in my blips are surprisingly completely accurate.

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