Another seascape (Day 1157)

Today has been a very lazy day.
I footered around at home whilst  my beautiful wife trundled off to do hossing stuff.
After lunch we made for Yesnaby, walking north and enjoying a fresher, cooler walk than it has been lately. On the way back to the car park it rained for all of 20 seconds, before brightening up again. As we reached the car park, we spotted Mum and Dad's car pulling in and the dogs charged off to greet them, making a fuss of Mum, Dad, Magnus and Margaret who were off to try and spot puffins. 
After dinner, HV zoomed off for a bit more hossing and I set about a minor repair on her bike. A fiddly bit of tinkering which was remarkably rewarding apart from spending a few minutes searching for the "pingfuckit" (©  Big Pete) twice.

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