Fun and Fireworks on the Fourth

Everything was centered on 10 o'clock today. 10 a.m. for the parade, and 10 p.m. for the fireworks. The problem? It was 88F (29C) for both events. 88F and humid.

We went to one of my daughter's hair customers for the parade. It is right on the parade route, and it is a nice shady spot. The parade was so-so this year. Too many politicians, although they did pass out free stuff. Plus, Merrick and his cousin Carter got a bag full of candy.

In between the two events, we had a small family picnic. (Can you still call it a picnic if everybody wants to stay inside?)

I tried a new approach to shooting fireworks. I shot on B (bulb) with a remote shutter...keeping it open as long as I wanted. I was happy with how a few of them turned out, though some were very overexposed. to try.

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