So hot & bothered!

We have been busy from the minute we got up this morning up until 8pm this evening, not the weather for cleaning the house from top to bottom!!

But needs must, we have friends coming to stay tomorrow/Friday. Its our turn to entertain them, so we are off to the Races at Haydock Park.

I shouldnt complain, its my own fault, the housework has taken a back seat whilst the weather has been so nice ;-)

We went shopping first thing, took the coolbox to put fresh stuff in, how organised is that!
We went into town on our way back, grabbed a coffee and a sandwich, before heading home to get stuck in! Just stopped off on our top road long enough to grab a couple of shots.....liked this one best!

We have worked our socks off, so hot and sticky, even with just shorts and a vest top on!
Hub has cleaned the car inside and out, mowed both lawns, washed the garden furniture, whilst I've changed the beds, cleaned the 3 loos etc. dusted, hoovered, you name it, we've done it today!

It actually clouded over this evening.......but its still warm.

Looks like we are in for another warm one tomorrow too, might have to take my straw hat ;-)

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