
There are so many things going on over these last few weeks of term that I've had to do myself a little spreadsheet to keep track of it all. Not a real spreadsheet just a list with it all on. 
Some days there are several things to fit in. It's a struggle to remember it all!
 Miss E had her transition day in year 6 today and before pick up there was meeting with her new teacher in her classroom to hear about year 6 and have a chat. 
It had completely slipped my mind and I was getting ready for collection at normal time when I suddenly remembered the meeting and jumped in the car to rush over. Five minutes late I signed in and rushed round to the classrooms. Only to realised I had no idea where the year 6 classrooms are!!
I asked a random child in the corridor who directed me to a door and said it was in there. I dashed in, apologised for being late and sat down on one of the tiny chairs to listen to what the man had to say.
Then I realised Miss E's teacher isn't a man next year and looking round at the other parents I realised they were all from the other class. Oops!!!
I was tempted to just sit there quietly and not have to explain that I was in the wrong room. 
But obviously I couldn't do that!! Up went my hand like a ten year old's and I mumbled that I was sorry but I was in the wrong room. Mortifying!!!
Then I had the embarrassment of going into the right room with the right teacher and parents. There's always one!!
Year 6 sounds good. A bit more independence and responsibility, and a real focus on trying new things and not worrying about failure.
Pimms and cake outside afterwards was nice too!!
All too soon it was 4.30pm and time to dash to get Miss L from school. If we don't get them by 4.30pm they get put into after school club which we get charged for so I rang en route and asked them to get her to sit in reception and wait for me.
I sound like such a dippy mum most of the time when I'm dealing with schools!!
Home for half an hour before heading out to the Open Evening at the secondary school we're hoping they'll go to.
There was a bit of a speech by the head and then some lovely talks by a couple of kids just ending year 7. They talked about how daunting it had been at first but how quickly they settled in.
We all loved it! Obviously they pull out all the stops at these events but the Little Misses were blown away by it all. The science labs - making fireworks; the music rooms with bongo drums and accordions; the English rooms with all the mind maps and brightly coloured writing ( I used to get told off for using a green pen now apparently it's positively encouraged!!); history and geography with wonderful displays; the home ec. room was Miss L's favourite - she was chatting to the teacher in great detail about what they'd be cooking when she comes. In three years!!
They did lino prints in the art room and played badminton in the sports hall.
It was brilliant!!
The girls who showed us round couldn't have been more different. One was obviously a star pupil, really engaging, friendly, confident, proud of her achievements and her school. 
The other one was more awkward, hair ever her face. mumbly, defensively casual and offhand about everything and careful not to give the impression she cared at all about the school!!! She hates PE, maths is boring, she's no good at music.......
Guess which one Miss E was drawn to like a moth to a flame?!!!
Despite my protestations Miss E insisted that we walk home to see how long it takes. 
It would have taken about twenty five minutes if she hadn't had a meltdown three quarters of the way home about the route her friend Miss A will take to the school (she's going in September) 
What if she goes a different way, what if she cycles,  what if she goes a different way, what if she cycles, will you call and ask, what if she cycles or goes a different way........
Oh my God. I ended up in tears begging her to stop the loop and not worry about something that's well over a year away.
And then she decided her feet hurt and she couldn't possibly walk another step and Mummy slow down, why are you walking so fast, wait for me, slow down, Mummy STOP!!!!!!
Aaaaghhhhhhh!!!!!!! I knew we should have come back in the bloody car!!!
It's so hard but I have to try and remember it's been a challenging day for her with lots and lots and lots of changes coming.

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