Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Still sea and seaweed

I'm a sucker for clear water and lush seaweed - though I have a feeling this is bladderwrack or some such. This blue photo is taken looking down the Kyles of Bute towards Colintraive, the small village from which the ferry makes a two-minute crossing to the north end of Bute (out of sight to the left). Colintraive itself is beyond that spit of tree-covered ground, quite a bit beyond actually, and we'd walked from there in the hot sun.

This is a walk we've often done; much of it passes through quite densely wooded land and is therefore shady and pleasant on a hot day. However, this summer the clegs (horseflies) seem more abundant than usual - and we were both wearing shorts. Much slapping of legs - it struck me we must resemble a pair of Schuhplattler dancers at one point. I was also wearing sandals and bare feet; after 10k in the heat the soles of my feet were alarmingly hot and threatening to blister ...

I shall take them to bed with much cherishing. I still love this walk malgré tout.

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