Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

The wildlife garden

I find it difficult to convey the bottom end of our garden, with the pond (just visible to the right in this picture), the bog area in the foreground to the left, and the meadow beyond.  To the left behind the bog area is the part we are developing as a "woodland" - we've ordered another 2 trees today.

I've also taken the plunge and ordered some common spotted orchid tubers for planting this winter - keep your fingers crossed that they take and multiply.

Butterflies, dragonflies and damsel flies in good quantities, but all skittish and difficult to catch in the hot sun.  

We've had a day largely sitting indoors, as it felt too hot to go out for more than brief periods.  Tomorrow we must do more - if nothing else, much of the garden will need watering again in the evening.  With all the new trees and perennials we have planted this year, we cannot leave them to their own devices in this hot, dry spell.

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