Kitchen Cove

A lively and boisterous book club last night, the Prosecoo and red wine may have had something to so with it. No one liked Snowdrops and our next choice is the Help by Kathryn Stockett. I've seen the film which was excellent so am looking forward to reading the book.

An exhausting but very creative day wrestling with the infants. Bird collages, bird mobiles and bird posters have all been lovingly crafted and we have listened enraptured to the various tweetings of garden birds. No herons in white underpants sadly!!

The pace continues . Tonight Earthdreamery and TJ, and Midwifecrisis and her chap are coming for supper. Himself is making a large chilli and has just discovered that you can't make dough with gluten free flour. PLan B. More Prosecco is in order.

Today's blip was taken on my way into work at the uncharacteristically early hour of 8.20 - the sun was just rising over kitchen Cove.

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