
By Mindseye

Tommy the Tractor

Had a later night than planned, noticed The Killers were live at the Royal Albert Hall....love them, it was fab, gone midnight by the time I fell into bed, but worth it :-)

Its been a gorgeous summers day.....we went out after breakfast for a walk via the paper shop, past the farm next to our estate. I was happy to catch the farmer working hard, much to the delight of the birds :-)

We walked on to another farm, where we get our eggs and fresh veg from. Bought what we needed, then walked up a little further, before taking a path through one of the fields and behind the fisheries linked to the farm where there were plenty of fisherman enjoying the peace and quiet on a beautiful Sunday morning.

We circled back towards home having had a thoroughly enjoyable walk in time to have our dippy eggs and soldiers before settling down to watch Englands match against Panama.
A much better performance thankfully.....not impresed by the oppositions tactics though!

Hub made a special request for steak and kidney for dinner this evening......which I prepared, put into the oven for a long slow cook. He dug up the first of his potatoes too, to go with some carrotts and peas.

We spent an hour on the deck reading the papers after our five mile walk earlier, with a cuppa.........it has been very warm this afternoon, suncream was a necessity, despite how tanned we already are.

Plenty of plant watering will be needed this evening, which might include us too, as the steak and kidney was a tad saltier than I would have liked.....a touch too much mushroom ketchup I think !

Off for a quick shower now before my date with Ross :-) oh and if there are any Killers fans reading , thye are on tv later this evening, 11.30, Isle of Man Festival......set to record it ;-)

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