Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Parents Evening!

Yes he may only just be three but tonight went to William's first parents evening. Good news all round. He is a very polite friendly, funny little boy. All the staff love him and are fighting over being his keyworker in Jan as he is changing hours and therefore can't stay with Ruth. He (as yet) hasn't had a tizz at Goslings and I am sure some of the mealtime silliness that goes on at the minute may improve once he is having lunch there come January.

Other than that Jim and I had a long awaited day without kids shopping! For him not me (although I got a skirt out of it and a promise of other clothes) and we were quite successful. He got a suit, a pair of work shoes, some lovely boots and a pair of jeans, but gosh he is hard to shop with for shoes.

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