Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Rocky Mountain Renegades

Today the Vance Brand Air Expo was held at our local airport, about 10 minutes from home.  Shame on me for driving instead of riding my bike! I got there about 15 minutes before the show and every possible parking place on the outside of the airport was full.  So I drove in to check the small parking area inside and found a great spot very close to where I got these shots.  It was hard to decide between my main blip and the first extra.  I went with this because it was sharper.  The first extra shows them upside down in one of their maneuvers.  I added the second extra because the mountains are in the background and I wanted to show this tiny jet.  It so reminded me of George Jetson's flying "car" as it zoomed through the sky.  My last extra shows it in action.  I took about 300 pictures and had about 50 that I really liked and a lot of others that weren't too bad...and several that were rubbish.  I'm happy with that. :-)  I left about 10 minutes before the show ended and got out of the parking lot and the whole area before all those other cars.  So I'd say it was a successful day....but next time I'll ride my bike. 

I am grateful that I didn't listen to the volunteers who told me the parking lot was full. ;-)

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