
By Hillyblips


Feathers! We have a lot more pheasants around in our garden than usual this year and when I saw this one I just had to blipit (verb).

The colours on it's back were just stunning and the patterns so intricate that from a distance it really all blurs into a lovely bronzey colour but up close and personal there is every colour under the sun. It is not a native but introduced from Asia in the Middle Ages and now reared as a game bird for shooting, encouraging estate owners to maintain wooded habitats so bringing benefits to other forms of wildlife.

Today I was a very lucky girl in having a great blip meet with fellow blipper CleanSteve and even more lucky to be able to pick his brains on computer difficulties - which are numerous I might add! I could not do him justice like fellow blipper
Richard Donkin who did a superb job on his write up! Steve is a former world champion Frisbee thrower and a man immortalised in song, no less!

Lovely to meet another blipper!!

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