Abstract Thursday - Geometrical

I guess we could call this "a radial divergence vector field"... but then mathematics was never at the top of my waking hours at school. 

In fact my secondary maths teacher spent less time on mathematical principles and more on sitting on the edge of the desk expounding on the benefits of communism. At length.

When I had to study maths to a higher, um, degree later, it was mostly so imaginary a concept I did quite well in my bewildered state. And in the end, I don't think I ever used the stronger tools in the maths box while I was at work.

So having no concept of time or the date I nevertheless woke up at about four thirty, and had a cup of tea in the garden as the Sun rose slowly over the Cotswold Escarpment. It's been a lovely day, and since it's the longest one I might as well enjoy it, eh.

If you hadn't worked it out, this is an ageing Allium from the garden, roasted in the sunshine and slightly toasted in Luminar 2018.

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