Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Summer Solstice

It's the summer solstice today, and despite the weather forecast predicting that it would be cool and cloudy, it has been sunny and hot. We cannot complain about the summer we have had so far, it has been consistently good every day so far. I hope I haven't jinxed it by saying that...sadly from today the days start to get shorter again, which is a pity as I love our long summer days. Last night there was still an beautiful orange glow in the sky at 10pm after the sunset.

Last night we had some fun taking photos of a couple of dishes that the chef made, and then we sat down to a very good dinner. I thought the chef was rather creative and artistic in the dishes he presented, this was only at a county pub. In the extras you can see his version of a prawn and avocado cocktail starter.

Adam and Jenni arrived from university late last night, so I only saw them this morning. They have one day at home to rest after the busy end of term parties and balls(!) and tomorrow they are going off on holiday to Santorini, the lucky things! (Then when they are back again they are working for a month to earn money to pay for their next holiday). They leave early tomorrow morning and then tomorrow night Luke flies in from Berlin and Meriel his girlfriend arrives by train from her home and they will be here for the weekend. It does get rather busy with all the comings and goings of everyone in the family, a bit like Waterloo Station!

I think this is borage, it is so pretty and delicate and it is edible too.

I am not keeping up this week, today has been another busy day, including having a friend to coffee this morning and then having to choose another paint colour as it looked wrong once it was on the wall. 

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