Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Matukituki Valley from 35000 ft

Reporting from Tiny Tussock
I had a terrible journey to Auckland and it was The Bossess fault.
You see she had suggested that The Boss get to the Airport early and try to get a window seat 'Cos it was a beautiful wall to wall blue day and the view would great...so he did..In fact he was very successful and got a window seat in row 1, which is the very front of the plane with lots of leg room 'Cos there is no seat in front...OK. SO if there is no seat in front there is no seat to put The Boss's camera pak under SO it had to go in the overhead locker AND so I had a terrible flight because it was DARK in there and I certainly did not have a view. I wonder what T,s lawyer will have to say about this.
There is probably something in the Care of Surrogate Dogs Act...2012 section 32 "Small dogs with Chamois Tummies"
Anyway we are here and so we hear is TLM so who knows who we may meet on a street in the heat, so to speak.
The Matukituki River flows into Lake Wanaka and is a wonderful source of photos all year round and the wiggly line on the left is the access road to Treble Cone Skifield. Wow is that ever scary. Well not really but it's not for the faint hearted in winter with a front wheel drive car and no chains maybe.
Internet is intermittent so comments may be sparse. Big Woof for everyone to tide you over.
Go Sky diving

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