Great wee day

We are really getting into the groove now with the first stages of renovating the new house.  It will be a long haul, but we decide each day what to do, put in the hours and then sit down late in the afternoon with a beer to enjoy the outcome.  Today we continued scraping moss off the driveway and barrowing away loads of debris.  We talked with the electrician about what he was going to do this week, drove up to Brive to get strip lights and a new extension cable, helped P and J to put up their giant parasol and pulled out old and suspiciously stained cupboards from the downstairs loo.  Badger update: spreading chillies on the ground worked for a couple of days, but their potency obviously faded because the buggers badgers came back night before last and made a mess of the grass again.  I'm running out of chillies, but I have a plentiful supply of something else; urine.  Apparently, badgers hate the smell of human urine (I'm not too keen on it myself!), so I have been peeing into a bucket during the day.  Last evening I spread it near where the buggers badgers enter the garden and there was no sign that they had visited during the night. So, until I get rid of the buggers badgers, every day is a  wee into the bucket day. The garden at the current house is really beginning to flourish and the clematis is blooming everywhere.

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