
By Tryards


Our French neighbour's led the way up a steep road with loads ofhairpin bends to the entrance to the site.
We began looking up at the castle and at the cave entrance it was little more than a dot in the valley. One of the largest ice caves in the world. After 20 minutes steep walking, a cable car ride and another half an hour steep walk we arrived at the entrance. No photography allowed! The -1degree ferocious wind on entering is caused by the change in temperature and we were told that on a hot day it can reach 100km/hr. A 1km climb of 700 steps up and over 700 down was a real challenge for us oldies! The cave extends a further 41km that is not yet open. The ice lake is over 5m deep. An incredible place but we could have done with a slower pace.
Another unforgettable day that has ended with pre dinner drinks with Alan & Nicole.
So no comments today Tired.

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