Kitchen top art

I loved the shadows created by this parsley on the kitchen counter!
Danny was pleased with his Father's Day painting!!

A full day of church then a community Asha feeling unwell with a cricked neck... In the end just Danny went up to Sa Penya as it didn't seem fair to push Asha. Plus at the last minute we thought we might have 3 unexpected guests to stay...their son is in intensive care here & they've nowhere to sleep. Still waiting to hear if they'll need our place. Can't imagine what our experience of intensive care would've been like if we'd also been in a foreign country with no accommodation...awful situation.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A life full of good Dads! My own is & always has been top notch, Danny's brilliant...and I have some pretty fab father figures around in life too...
2) Having a big enough flat that we can offer beds at no notice. Asha's looking forward to camping out in our room if these people use our place.
3) Beauty in unexpected temporary shadows on the worktop.

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