Our Next Chapter

By SnappyHQ

Father’s Day

The children woke James up this morning with cards and presents in bed and we all enjoyed yummy Eggs Benedict for breakfast.

We then went into town for the annual Heritage Festival. We had a play in the kids zone with the circus equipment and enjoyed a game of croquet. We listed to some old folk tales whilst sitting on sheepskins under a big tree. There was even a lady juggling with fire! There was loads to see and do.

Alexander had woken up with red eyes in the morning but by lunch time we noticed they had got much worse and started to look gunky. So James and pheebs went to the arena to watch the civil war re-enactment whilst me and Xander went to the pharmacy. The pharmacist said it was conjunctivitis and the drops he was given had to be kept in the fridge, so our day out was cut short. This didn’t bother James though as the football was on!

G&G and uncle B came round in the afternoon and then we all went out for a father’s day curry. Feeling stuffed this evening!

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