
By Mindseye

Cheer leading !!

We had a little rain overnight and woke to grey skies this morning. A bit cooller, waterproofs on to walk into town for one or two things, including coffee and brunch :-)

This afternoon has been spent with daughter and Emily, and her Dad, at her School Summer Fair. Lots of stalls, fire engines, ambulance...... not called or needed but there so the children could look in them ;-)

Emily has joined Gemstones, a cheerleading group. Three age groups, little ones are Emeralds, Ems group are Rubies and the older girls are Diamonds. Each group did a routine in the playground, cheered on by mums and dads, and grand parents of course ;-)

I couldnt choose one shot so thought a collage would show off their moves best! Emily has the full Gemstones kit, which doesn't come cheap, not everyone is so lucky, but its the taking part and the team spirit that is so good to see, all very supportive of each other :-)

No sooner had we got home than the heavens opened, the fair literally finished at 3pm and by five past it was bucketing down!! It lasted all of half an hour then it brightened up again!

Chicken Saag curry with naan bread for dinner, a bit spicy, gave hub hiccups....ooops!!!

Think its going to be sport on tv all evening..... first it was Rugby, now Golf and Football..... good job I like sport then :-)

Got around 12k steps in today, so not too bad.

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