
By RobSmallshire

Magic Circle

At 8:30 I drop Liz at Asker station and pick up Jon and Austin. We plan to spend a rainy day round the table pushing various short- and longer term projects forward. Jon struggles for hours to diagnose a tenacious and subtle bug. Then at least as long again looking for an elegant fix, which remains elusive.

Austin and I smooth over some rough spots in one of our classes in anticipation of a run next week.

We take lunch in Bye og Bekk in Heggedal, then return to talk through more concrete scenarios for the joint venture. We identify a few good candidates. It seems plausible. And exciting!

Jon and Austin stay for dinner, then I run them back into the western suburbs of Bærum. At home, Liz plans for an early flight, and I go to bed at 11 pm, while it’s still light outside.

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