Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Meadows of Wildflowers

We drove up to the house we usually lease in the fall for hunting season in order to remove some of our belongings since Jerry is doing something different for hunting season this year.  We decided to drive the dirt road over the mountain as I was hoping the wildflower meadows would be blooming...and they were.    These yellow flowers are called Mule's Ears as the leaves are long and shaped like..yep..a mule's ear.   There must have been thousands of these flowers..along with purple lupines.  There were meadows of flowers scattered all through the drive.

The cattle ranchers in the area call these "noxious weeds" as they mulitply so fast and will take over a hay field.   But up on the mountain they are left to grow.   

We finished up all our clean out and loaded up so tomorrow we will begin the long drive back home.    A really quick trip but we knew that it would be.   The weather has been really hot for this area of Colorado.   Luckily we were not near any of the fires (I think there are three burning in the state now!) but one day we could smell some smoke and it was hazy looking.  

Thanks for any comments and stars.  I will catch up when I get home!  

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