First Flax Flowers

Our flax has grown enough that it has flowered. We're hoping that Operation Entice Native Bird is beginning to be a success with this.

Long day today, as is every Tuesday.

I have a work dilemma that I need to crunch my way through. My secondment finishes in 5 weeks, much to my dismay, and I'm not feeling inspired about my return to the old job. So do I apply for another short term contract (and probably have to resign from my permanent post as I doubt they'd do a second secondment) and hope that there's more work in a place that I really like at the end of it...or go back to my old job, and wait it out until a permanent post comes up in either my secondment post or another rehab setting? I dunno.

In other news. The Youngest is MOST CERTAINLY going to be the end of me.

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