
By beeeze


Not blipped a bird for a while. This chaffinch has suddenly appeared on the feeders in the last few days which is relatively exciting because I don't get many finches at all. I did take some arty farty shots of light through the beech hedge which were ok but not good enough for Blip :)

Another challenging day and having been bitten three times I have decided to talk to Ma's social worker about the process of assessment for NHS funded continuing healthcare for her. I believe she meets the criteria so it will be interesting to see what he has to say. I am sure there's quite a lot of weaselling room so I'm not holding my breath.

Nice day tomorrow - meeting up with daughter's cousin, husband and children for a breakfast treat after taking Ma to the day centre and dropping into the dementia café in the afternoon with some flapjacks for them.

Which reminds me, time to start melting some butter and syrup... :)

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