Wildflower Week
Just returning to say - there is a prob with the WFW-01 tag for the wildflowers challenge. A couple are on #WFW-01 but most can be found on #WFW. I will be looking at both these for entries this week, so let me know if yours doesn't appear on either. As someone sensibly suggested, the problem may be the hyphen so next week I shall be eliminating it and asking for entries to be tagged WFW02.
This challenge has now been approved :))
WildflowerWeek will begin this Sunday (10th June) and run till midnight on the following Saturday (16th June). I'll always reckon to give the results by the following Wednesday, unless something jumps up and bites too hard. Please tag your entries for the first challenge #WFW-01. I can't wait to see what you come up with.
Oh, and if it's wild but you don't know what it is, don't worry, I'm sure we can work it out between us all. Also, please remember that for those of you who are now out of season for the wildflowers themselves, plant skeletons, seedheads, grasses, etc, still count - just as long as they're wild.
And why am I telling you this now? Because tomorrow morning I'm off for a long weekend in Suffolk, back on Monday. I can't post while I'm gone, but will backblip when I return. Meanwhile, enjoy yourselves, lovely blippers xx
Today's wildflower (as I guess you know) is a meadow buttercup - Ranunculus acris. Taken on Shawford Down this morning.
2018 wildflowers to date:
Gorse (or furze); Wild daffodils
Coltsfoot; Primroses; Blackthorn
Greater periwinkle; Goat willow; Ground ivy; Cowslips; Daisy;
Common field speedwell; Wood anemone; Greater celandine
Cuckoo flower (or lady’s smock); Yellow archangel; Common dog violet;
Crab apple; Bluebell; Red clover; Germander speedwell;
Three-cornered leek; Hawthorn; Yellow flag; dandelion; Common vetch; Dog rose; Green alkanet;
Bramble; Stinking iris; dropwort; meadow buttercup;
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