
The week promises to be a touch hectic.

This a.m. Door bell - the Witnesses.
Phone rang - "Saved by the bell."
Part way through phone call - door Bell - 2 parcels for next door.
Some time before/during/after all this I discovered today's cancelled "Wednesday" was re-instituted.

I don't yet know what an M.S.K. is but I'm seeing one tomorrow early p.m.  then, on Friday a trip over to Sheffield with Jerra & CLicky to see Arcane Spark, and tribe.

I decided to take the easy way out - get the few essentials plus a "Big Breakfast" at Morrison's ( I'll donate the ' even if they don't employ it.)
Whilst busy face-filling I spotted this combo, slowly slip-sliding backwards into, what I didn't check but may well be a disabled spot.
Just noticed - it's not a disabled slot.
Me-laddo dismounted and made his way rearwards.

"Nice of him" I thought, as he unstrapped a "Stroller" I think they're called, for the occupant of what looked like an over-wide, very roomy Side-car.
While herself exited the sidecar, himself unstrapped a second identical device from the rack and the pair of them set off for the door.

They were of indeterminate age, but I'd GUESS at least "middle~"

If that doesn't score about 11/10 ***** and 2-3 Farcebook <3 I don't know what does.

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