Oxford blipmeet

When Arachne posted the idea of an Oxford blipmeet I was keen to see if I could try and make it. I haven't been back to Oxford since I was very young indeed and all I remember is the everlasting impression of these heads at the Sheldonian theatre. It was a smashing day, stunning weather, meeting and talking to fellow blippers, and Arachne took us to such a great variety of places my head is still brimming with cameo images of the day and the searing blue streak of a kingfisher was just a marvel. 
I thought I hadn't taken many shots and I noticed that I found it hard to talk and take photographs - definitely not a multi-tasker but I clearly took a few and have added extras ...

- the Blavatnik School of Government
- a crane made an appearance in A's honour
- Arachne leading the way for an elderly couple who were lost (well, he was, his wife knew where she was going but he was more inclined to trust Arachne than his wife!)
- the route back to the station which was just a joy (although really sorry to hear of A's accident on her return trip)
- a new blipper game -  try to spot the repeating pattern

Many thanks to Arachne for suggesting the meet up and for her encouragement. I wasn't sure on the morning I set off - the traffic looked dire and logistics were taxing my small brain but I hit lucky by finding a good campsite attached to a pub so it was fine arriving at about 10ish or later. It was handy for a short train trip from Lower Heyford into Oxford so that all went really well ... I was chuffed!

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