Pony poo

$1 for a large bag, 50 cents for a small bag.

Bargain, but I've plenty of horse poop stacked down the side. It's an appealing sign and combined with the jaunty angle it never fails to make me smile.

On my day off I exercised at both ends of the day, pottered about home, dealt with washing and more cleaning up from the weekend, and read my book.

I also thought a lot about Mum and Dad. That's just the way it is.

Remarkably I spent the day in shorts. Inside home was warm enough and I needed them for exercising. A bit of a hoot and definitely a first in early winter.

I popped out to my bins a few minutes ago and the temperature has plummeted with the arrival of a southerly. I quickly scurried back inside.

Today's gratitude: For an extra day off to catch my breath, and for the appearance of the sun.

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