Monday morning

Part 2

So there she sat, head in hand, a dull ache pounding with monotonous rhythm across her temples that had already been dulled several times with painkillers. She had gone to work because what other choice did she have? She may have lost her husband but loosing her job, her hard fought for career, was something she would not do. No, to the world she must appear untouched.

Alice, her best friend of over 10 years since they had started at Willamhurst as trainees, sat across from her, bemused and, unusually for her, lost for words.

'So he knows,' she simply offered, the words floating into the swish office into which Tabytha was promoted only several months earlier.

'I don't know,' she offered, her words having no feeling. She felt she had none to add.

'But he must,' declared Alice, determined to rouse her dear friend and give her something to hold on to, 'he didn't come home did he!'

Tabytha just shook her head. Over 24 hours had passed and confusion had just led to more of the same.

'Come on sweetheart,' said Alice, reaching across the desk and stroking her best friends hand that had fallen on to the table and now welcomed the touch of human kindness.

'I called his work last night, after you'd gone,' started Tabytha, tears wanted to fall but even they had run dry.

'And?' asked Alice, her voice now faltering too.

'And he was not there. He'd taken a few days off. He had told them he was taking me away for a few nights.'

'Ah right,' said Alice, resignation her voice, 'so he knows alright. Where is he?'

'Alice,' declared Tabytha, her voice now straight and true, her eyes fixed on those of her friend, 'that's not all. The station were very surprised to hear from me and you won't guess why.'

'Why?' said Alice flatly, fearing what was to come.

'He began his holiday on Saturday night.'


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