Sunday Morning

She awoke, as she knew she must, to the inevitability of a Sunday morning that was always going to follow the night before. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light as it crept its way across the room towards the bed in which she lay. The room was bathed in contemporary chic, soft lines falling into even softer curves, pure whites seeking to drive out the guilt that was already gnawing at her aching brain.

Had she really sort to take all that she had and throw in the air just to see where the sticks would lie? Had her thoughts pattern been that clear when she had gotten ready for that night, her McCartney dress resting so perfectly on her silk underwear? Had she known when she stepped out onto to the city pavements with her expensive high heels that her life was about to change for good? Was she ever that calculated? She knew she wasn't, others would not be so kind.

He breathed heavily as he turned away from her towards the still dark corners of the room. She propped herself up on one arm, her hair falling down over her face, her nakedness suddenly making her alive to her situation. She was in bed with a man she had only just met and in a house she had never stepped foot in before. The bronzed back of the man, Paul she remembered grimly, now breathed easily as he no doubt dreamt of a night of quite extraordinary sex. His partner in this dance however felt no such ease. Getting out of the bed quickly and quietly, she picked up her clothes that were strewn across the bedroom floor. Time was against her. Her husband would be home by now.


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