In The Meadow
Firstly, thank you all so very much for all your great comments, stars and hearts for yesterday's cygnet blips - most generous of you! If you missed them, the one from this journal is here but it seems you liked this one in my b&w journal even more (as do I! :))
I've had the most wonderful, sunny, relaxed day with the family today and with friends this afternoon! Playing with my granddaughter, lunch on the balcony in the sun, chat and relax...... At the end of the afternoon, Mum and I called in at the meadow to see what we could see and are surprised to find a large area of orchids that I had previously been unaware of - it seems that they are not over yet! :))
Today's blip for my b&w journal is here!
I hope your having an equally great weekend!
Ann :))
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