
Elevate your mind 
Free your soul
Feel the feeling 
Let your body take control*

Wainwright described Halls Fell Ridge as "positively the finest way to any mountain top in the district", as a mountaineer I disagree slightly, but for fell walkers it would be hard to argue. The Mancunian in me says "it's not half bad" 

Up was steady, still needing to work on fitness, but that's relatively easy, for now the ache in my thighs is an interesting novelty. In a perverse sort of way I like the clag, I like the ethereal wonder it adds, childlike I still love the physical, mental and emotional act of climbing up into the clouds. 

I was less keen on the down, for différent reasons that remains as painful as pré operation, but hopefully it will also continue to improve. These are after all new bone surfaces and I assume (hope) they are still hardening. It's also clear that I now walk differently, so tendons are moving oddly, that I'd again guess will settle down. My coaching days tell me I need a minimum of 10,000 perfect répétitions to improve, so there's a way to go yet. 
When the heaven opened torrentially I must have still been above Scales Tarn. Refreshing for a moment it quickly progressed through annoying to horrid to funny. I'm very glad I've à spare set of clothes and room to change in the van! 

*Bonus kudos points for anyone who recognises today's walking earworm song. 

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