holy cake!

since the weather turned colder (in about 1982) I've been obsessed with cake.....or maybe I'm just too stingy to buy biscuits and like baking. I don't know. But here's a photo of one anyway. Chocolate a pear. And don't bother asking for one, I think they've all been eaten.

Flea and I went to see Skyfall tonight, thankfully we could see it in English. These days they are quick to dub and no one seems to be able to read subtitles anymore so I have to watch movies in German - not a problem unless you know what actors such as Judy Dench actually SOUND like, in which case it's a form of torture. As if killing English by making it an international language wasn't enough......
I do love 007, always have done. I'm not a Bond-geek at all, I'm not even sure if I've seen all the films but I love them anyway. Even if some of the scenes in the old movies make me wince at their sexism, jingoism and scientific inaccuracies. And I did love Skyfall and admit to letting out an embarrassing cackle (yes, it was me) at the sawn off shot gun. Somehow it reminded me of Joe Grundy (my mind is a complicated beast, don't try and follow the logic) and that made me laugh and alarm the poor young man sitting next to me :-)
Next film I'm looking forward to - apart from the Hobbit, of course, in this family one can get hung for not looking forward to that one - is On the Road. The trailer looks great. I love that book, it's better than.....no, I don't dare type it.... ;-)
And anyway, they got Aragorn, which the Hobbit is sadly lacking in.

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