is this closure?

this is the bed that Littlest was born in. After an "interesting" birth I had very little time to enjoy the beautiful surroundings, as I told you about once before. I never returned to this room and the bed where Biggest and Littlest took their first breaths*.
Sadly, this wonderful, midwife only, natural birth house is having to close after many years of giving women the chance to give birth in a non-medical surrounding and to have their pre- and postnatal care from the same small team of lovely and experienced midwives. The reason is, of course, that they need to upgrade loads of equipment and furnishings and just can't afford it. So, many babies will be born in hospital who don't need to be. I think it's sad.
Today they had a "goodbye" party and we popped past so I could, after nearly 8 years, return and take a photo of this one in the room where she was born. We only have one other picture of her in the room and it got water damaged, the negative (remember them?!) too. So, this is her only decent picture of her birth place!
I very much think it is also closure for me in many ways - it all seemed so far away and yet I could remember where I was sitting, standing, lying through those two births, I just had to stand on a spot and I could think "oh yes, I had a massive contraction right her, leaning on that chair there"! It was an odd experience to be there again but I think it might also be over...I hope so :-)

*Flea was born in Edinburgh, not in Switzerland

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