Much green

We got back last night (well it was just into the morning actually, after a pretty long and tortuous drive round the M25 and up the M1/A1). We have been away less than a week, but it seems to have been such a long time. I suppose that's because we have been to so many places in a short space of time. I can't believe it is less than a week ago that we were at the Hay Festival. Our perception of time can play tricks on us.

Everywhere we have been we have had a thunderstorm with torrential rain - everywhere! And, as we found out that at home there was very little rain, we were concerned that the garden would have dried out. However, there was rain yesterday and the salads Gordon planted just before we left have gone mad. 

And guess what . . . this afternoon we had a great thunderstorm and torrential rain . . . 

Re yesterday's blip and the Alice statue:
This is how the book describes Alice climbing through the looking glass:

And certainly the glass was beginning to melt away, just like a bright silvery mist.

I think the artist captured that, as far as it could be captured in solid material. 

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