Lunch....on the river!

Seabreeze and I went out for a lovely lunch at The Ferry in Cookham near Maidenhead. 
We had a really lovely lunch followed by a quick walk down the tow path.
All along the tow path there were loads of Banded demoiselles Calopteryx splendens  basking in the sun. They are notoriously difficult to photograph as they are very aware of you holding the camera and are always on the move! luckily for me this one had just caught himself a mayfly lunch and was otherwise engaged allowing me to get far closer to him than I would normally be able to. 
It was such a beautiful place to just sit and eat lunch, watching the activity on the river - very like the Broads in many ways, I have added a shot of a family in a rowing boat in my extras as I loved the raised oars and the reflections

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