Feeling free

You belong among the wildflowers
You belong in a boat out at sea
Sail away, kill off the hours
You belong somewhere you feel free

I have been admiring this jaunty patch of wildflowers  growing at the side of the road but it wasn't until I stopped to investigate that I saw just how many different species there were - amazing given the location - see extra.
I identified:
ox eye daisy  -  nóinin mor
red clover - seamair dhearg
yellow rattle - gliográn
ragwort - buchalán bui
mouse ear - cluas luchóig
mouse ear hawkweed - searbh na muc
buttercup - fearbán reatha
ribwort plantain - slánus
lesser trefoil - seamair bhui
and various grasses (last three flowers not in pic)

Grey and steamy today, we struggled over our Irish lesson but were rewarded with a delicious lunch overlooking Rossbrin.

Wildflowers - lovely

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