
By Igor

Norway day 3: top of the world

It was hot today.  Too hot.

We spent the first part of the morning on the roof of the Oslo Opera House.  It’s an amazing building and I’m unable to do it justice.

We then caught a tram to a wooded park overlooking the city.  I thought it would be cooler up among the trees, but it wasn’t.  The heat and the steepness of the terrain did for me.  Anniemay was a little puffed too.

The plan for the rest of the day was to have lunch in one of the many restaurants along a new harbour-side development and then go to the National Gallery.  We wandered around the harbour, had a really good lunch, but it was clear we were both just too tired to do any more.  So we caught the tram back to the hotel.  Edvard Munch will have to wait for another trip. 

Extras show Anniemay auditioning for a role with the Norwegian Ballet, a refection shot from the top of the opera house and one of the many new buildings in Oslo.

Please have a look at Anniemay’s entries for today. 

A new adventure begins tomorrow.

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