Cabbage White Mating

A fine calm and warm day, but that pesky mist came down.  The sun came out briefly but didn't last.  A cooler breeze and misty night.

I have been working in the museum office today, and got on with plenty of scanning.  I also had an outing in the afternoon.  I headed to the Lerwick baptist kirk, met by retired nurses.  They wanted a photo show of old medical related photos from out archive.  Been working early in the pub tonight, and watched Spring watch.  Our beach clean from last week was on, but I was missed by the camera.  Feet up after walkies with Sammy.  

I headed down the road for my lunchtime walk.  I've seen a few butterflies about this past few days,  but today they were out in force.  A few Red Admirals, but mostly Cabbage Whites.  The first Cabbage Whites arrived in Shetland during WWII.  They came in with the supplies for the army etc.  Not known to Shetland before, they caused serious problems for the crofters.  Now they have settled, their here by the thousands.  Unknown to me at first, but I seem to have caught these two making new babies!  Taken at Aith, Cunningsburgh. 

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