Wester to Easter Quarff

A lovely warm and sunny day again.  A bit breezy at times, but flat calm tonight.  Looking out the window, I see mist towards the south mainland.

I've been working on the museum desk all day, and it's been busier than I expected.  A couple of events to sort too.  We had a barbecue and then rushed off to work in the pub for a few hours.  Watered the garden tonight, walkies with Sammy and then feet up for the night. 

I headed down the road for a lunchtime walk, and enjoy the sunshine too.  This is the only glacier valley in Shetland that runs east to west, all others run north to south.  It was carved out by a river under the glacier, must have been serious power.  In the foreground is Wester Quarff, and looking east to Easter Quarff. 

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