
By Anniemay

A Busy Day

I don’t like the sea. Well not the sea as such but being on it is not something I choose to do if I can help it. A lot of our holidays involve travelling to somewhere by sea but I usually just grin and bear it. This holiday was different in that we came here by plane rather than boat. So what did we end up doing this afternoon?? Going on a two hour boat trip around the Oslo Fjord!!

Fortunately the water was probably just about as calm and flat as it could be and it was a really enjoyable trip. The vessel was a wooden tall mast sailing boat.

Just out of Oslo we passed the Opera House and this sculpture.

The sculpture, called She Lies, seems to float on the waters of the Oslo Fjord but actually stands on a concrete platform and can turn on its own axis, moved by the winds and the tides. That’s in line with its dedication to change, as its creator Monica Bonvicini sought to create a public artwork in an urban redevelopment area of Oslo that’s changing all the time.

We had a really busy but fantastic day - more in extras

1. diver - “Dykkaren” by sculptor Ola Enstad, sculpture of a diver strategically placed in the harbour of Oslo. I love random sculptures.

2. My interpretation of the Viking Ship

There's more about our day on Igor's blip here

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