A busy day

You know there are some days when you have so much planned that it can seem a little daunting? And how, sometimes, the reverse is true and you're just looking forward to every minute? Well, today was one of the latter.

It started early, ferrying the Minx, miniMinx, and motherMinx to Manchester airport so that they could catch their flight to Greece. (Saying 'au revoir' was the only sad bit of the day.) Then I popped back to Chorley for a run before heading into Manchester to meet Simon, whose birthday it is, today. 

We'd planned to meet at Piccadilly but he had to pop into the Northern Quarter to collect some keys so, rather than hanging around, I walked up to meet him, parking myself in his favourite pub, The Millstone. Simon arrived shortly thereafter and, after a drink, we walked down to Spinningfields for a birthday lunch at Scene.

After that we went over to Simon's Not Quite Light exhibition at the Lowry Hotel. I really enjoy his work but I usually see it either on my phone or laptop. It was wonderful to see the photographs as prints; so much more detail and depth. We stayed there for a couple of drinks and were joined by both Dom and Simon's friend, Martin.

And then it was off to In Situ for me and Dom, which whilst being a fascinating architectural salvage merchants, also has a gallery space upstairs, where our friend Josef also had an exhibition on: 'Living & Dying In Our Grandfathers' Houses'.

I enjoyed wandering 'round it and I'd like to have stayed longer but there was a train strike today meaning we had to leave Manchester by seven. But that train was cancelled and - to cut a long story short - we ended up taking a train to Preston and then a taxi to Chorley. On the bright side, the driver had only taken delivery of his taxi that day and we were the third fare. I found his delight and enthusiasm infectious and a nice finish to the day.

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Reading: 'Company Of Liars'

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