A life lived backwards

By GailyWhaley

Icy,misty Sunday

Out by 8.

Gorgeous icy morning, so walked to Heddon and then down to the Tyne. It was so slippy I nearly went all the way down Station Road on my backside.
The ground was lovely and crisp and even, except the bit where I fell in! That's another change of jeans. Had to change them yesterday as I was drooled on by a doodle dog.

Most odd weather, it was sunny one minute then very foggy the next. Accuweather says it's cloudy which is so wrong.

Now that I've bathed the fruit in brandy, today will be seasonal cake making. So will now sit in the kitchen and breathe in the aroma! Love it!
Need some more brandy.......hic!!!!

Hope you all have a lovely sunday!

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