Delicate against the iron

Earlyish run this morning, and on the way down to the Wynyard Quarter, where I was hoping for some interesting photos, I went past a fence behind which were a lot of irises in flower. One flower stalk protruded through the fence, allowing this photo.

blast has given us the word delicate for this week's challenge; the week starts on Sunday and I'm getting in early this week.

Enjoyed the rest of the run, and have some ideas for blippable photos the next time I do this course.

I am now in the lounge at the airport waiting for the boarding call for a flight to Melbourne. Four hour flight. So I'm posting a few hours earlier than I usually do, rather than waiting until after I arrive. Overnight in the airport hotel where the meeting I am in for most of the day is being held. Finish in time to get the last flight back to Auckland tomorrow night.

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